Jannah. Id: Developing Mobile Apps-Based Materials of Islamic Funeral Customs and Service Rituals at SMAN 24 Bandung
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This research aims to develop mobile application-based corpse management material at SMAN 24 Bandung. This research is motivated by several things, including students needing help understanding the material about corpse management and learning media that supports understanding the discussion. Therefore, in the teaching and learning process, teachers must be ready to face the challenges of the times; teachers must be more intense and creative in presenting material so that errors do not occur in interpreting things. This research aims to develop corpse management material in the form of Mobile Apps-based learning media that can be used to improve students' understanding. This application is called Jannah. id, which contains material about managing the bodies of class XI SMA/MA students. This research uses quantitative methods with stages of preliminary investigation and Jannah. Id application test, pre-test and post-test, and application satisfaction test. The sample for this research was 20 class XI students at SMAN 24 Bandung. This study's results show a difference in average learning outcomes between before and after using the application. The paired t-test (paired test), pre-test, and post-test showed tcount (3.04) t-table (2.09), so H0 was rejected. It means that with α= 0.05, there is a significant difference between student learning outcomes before and after using the Jannah.id application.
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