Implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Towards Increasing Students' Scientific Argumentation Ability

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Novianti Muspiroh
Shofiyah Shofiyah
Shofwatun Nada


Scientific argumentation skills play an important role in the advancement of science in the 21st century, because students must be able to develop and have deep insight into understanding to solve problems in biology learning concepts and problems. Therefore, the implementation of STEM-based PBL is expected to improve students' scientific argumentation abilities.  This article aims to describe the implementation of STEM-based PBL on respiratory system material, analyzes differences in increasing students' scientific argumentation abilities, and explains student responses. The research is Quasi Experimental Design. Data collection techniques are tests, observations and questionnaires. The research results showed differences in improvement from the first meeting to the second meeting. The result is the average score for the first meeting is 81.57% and the second meeting is 86.14% in the very good category. There is a significant difference in the increase in students' scientific argumentation abilities between the experimental class and the control class, as proven by the results of different tests which show the Sig. 0.000 < 0.05. Learning by applying the STEM-based PBL model is responded positively by students.

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