The Students' Learning Behavior is Reviewed from Parenting Patterns

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Vill Janna Ningzi
Nurhayati Nurhayati


This discussion aims to determine students' learning behavior in terms of parental parenting patterns. The problems discussed are: (1) What is the concept of behavior; (2) What is the learning behavior of students (3) What is the parenting style of parents. That the concept of behavior is all of an individual's biological manifestations in interacting with the environment, starting from the most visible behavior to the invisible, from what is felt to what is not felt. Learning behavior is an attitude that emerges from students in responding and reacting to every learning activity that occurs, showing whether their attitude is enthusiastic and responsible for the learning opportunities given to them. Learning behavior has two qualitative assessments, namely good and bad, depending on the individual who experiences it, to respond well or even indifferently. Authoritative parenting means that parents who use this parenting style provide a home environment that is full of love and support. Children who come from authoritative families generally have a confident, happy, healthy curiosity, not spoiled and have an independent character. Poor economic conditions require an authoritarian type of parenting. In low income family environments or slum environments full of danger around every corner, parents are less likely to display emotional warmth, apply high expectations and standards in behavior, enforce behavioral rules without considering children's needs, expect children to obey rules without question, little space for reciprocal dialogue between parents and children. An indifferent type of parenting is a pattern where parents provide little emotional support to children (sometimes none at all), apply few expectations or standards of behavior for children, show little interest in the child's life, parents seem busy with their own problems.

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